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From new Canadian film company Kingdom of Hell Productions comes a new genre to the world of horror “Vomit Gore”.  From new coming director Lucifer Valentine.


     “Hellish and Satanic nightmares and hallucinations” (as stated on the box) doesn’t even begin to give the viewer any idea of the extreme violence, torture, gore, depravity and stomach acids in which indeed they will endure.


     I thought I had seen a lot of extreme and crazy films in my life but this film has definitely climbed the extreme ladder and has neared the top.  Set around a young Bulimic girl (LaVey ), a very lost and nearly destroyed soul.  A once stripper now prostitute, Angela finds herself slipping slowly and quite sadly into a world of insanity.  Which is not unusual for victims of this terrible affliction, only much, much worse for her.  The minds eye can create horrific visions and the ears of the insane can hear things the average person cannot.


     In Angelas pact to Satan, she admits to wanting to be taken from this life and to be with him in hell, at his right hand side.  To read the pact, by the way, you can buy the DVD or go to the directors website online at ( or


     The extreme torture, gore, murder and vomit sequences begin in her nightmares.  Visions of terror that no person should ever have to endure, even in sleep.  Maybe these visions come from what Angela feels she is becoming or perhaps, wanting to become.  Many sequences may throw you a curve ball.  You will have to decide for yourselves where you feel all the madness is leading towards.


     Although the film is extremely low budget I found the cinematography quite artistic as well as disturbing.  It always amazes me how different camera angles and views can cause disturbance and discomfort in the viewer, I know it did for me.  The graininess of the film really drew me in, visually.  Nothing can beat the grainy grimy feel of such classics as Last House on Dead End Street, Last House on the Left, Cannibal holocaust and other independents of the mid 70s to the early 80s.  S.V.D captures that look with ferocious intensity.  


     As for the sound!  Almost all through the movie it gives an eerie tingle down the spine.  The reverse effects and an almost screaming agonizing sound mixed together creates a very vivid backdrop to the horrific views shown throughout the film.  The dialogue as well, mostly distorted and morbidly slow, yet still quite clear to the ear, gave me the same feeling of dementia and hell that Angela is slipping ever so slowly and deeply into.


     Myself not being the biggest vomit fan (and believe you me there is gallons of it) was still quite able to very much enjoy the film, although some scenes did jab directly into my gag reflex.


     For his debut film, Lucifer Valentine has hit a central nerve in the underground horror scene.  The fact that He used his obscure fetish (an admitted emetophiliac) in his film is something I personally respect, fully.  He has done it, and did it well!  S.V.D. (in my opinion) was not a fetish film, though some may feel differently.  Valentine uses many genre ‘musts’ in the film such as extreme gore, torture and naked chicks, which are, for the most part, (in my opinion) needed in a lot of good underground horror films.


     With this overview of the film and its maker out of the way, I will now individually rate all the things that make this film what it is.  My ratings are on a scale of 1-10 and always will be.


When it comes to the gore and violence in this film this gets a definite 8.  For my reasoning you will have to view for yourselves!


As for background sound and/or score (whatever it may be) I would give it a 7.  Very disturbing! 


The acting in the film, since it being an independent and having a no name cast, I would definitely give it a 7.  This is for the simple fact that LaVey has 95% of the dialogue.  For her first crack at this type of film (former porn actress) she is quite convincing.  I really believed, just from the look of her alone that she is suffering intensely.


Now, as for the Vomit sequences, it gets a big fat 10. Once again, view the film and see for yourselves!


Slaughtered Vomit Dolls gets my overall rating of an 8. I definitely look forward to Mr. Valentines future projects.


     For fans of such films as August Underground, Mordum, and any extreme Asian or German films, or extreme films in general, this film is right up your blood soaked alley (or vomit soaked, or that matter).  Gore hounds you will not be disappointed.  But just in case………….. DON”T FORGET YOUR BARF BAGS!!!!


Special Features Reviews:


1. The full-length trailer for the movie gives you a wonderful outline of the film and its overall feel.


2. As for the teaser, I would have to say the same as the above.


3. The teaser for his second installment to the said trilogy (which in fact is almost done filming) entitled ReGoregitated Sacrifice was very well done, quite sick.  It lets you know that this one may be even sicker than the first.


4. The Art Gallery, I very much enjoyed.  Though childish with its crayon or colored pencil illustrations, the art is in its own way disturbing, yet fun.


5. The behind the scenes footage was fantastic.  It shows a lot of the FX processes and the vomit processes as well.  It also shows (though seeming a bit staged, but who cares) that the director is not only a sick bastard but also a soft spoken and caring man.  Watch it all the way through, trust me its great!


6. As for the commentary tracks, they really should most definitely be used.  Most people do not use this feature.  For this film it is almost a must.  It will explain nearly everything, as the film is a bit hard to grasp at first.


7. Using the DVD ROM feature can access additional features, such as deleted scenes full site access and other cool shit.


8. The packaging for the DVD is great.  A beautiful tri-fold casing including the disc, a poster for the movie and Angelas pact to Satan.  The outer sleeve is the same as the case with one small difference, being the title and cover art is slightly raised, so you can feel it with your finger tips (NICE!).


     Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is by far a perfect piece to any true underground horror fans collection.  So for all you SICK FUCKS (like me), go to the site, watch the trailer, order it!!!!

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